Panama wants to be the ‘New Kids on the Block’

Reference: Google

We hope you enjoy find insightful this translated shared post — regarding the happenings in Panama, after news with regards to El Salvador adopting Bitcoin — from our precursor, Rogelio Morrell. It’s been pseudo-translated for it’s value to our English audience.
Please share, as these are also our public policy views for the fast advancement of Blockchain financial innovation in Panama.
— Roberto Chockee, Industrias DAO Blockchain.

I discovered a new modality, after studying the analytics on my Twitter and Medium posts, it seems easier for the masses to follow a text with bullet points, PowerPoint-style. So, let’s try this new experiment.

Panama, to be the new kid on the Blockchain needs to:

  1. Innovate on what you know

Panama should propose a Bill that promotes and incentivizes the current, present and future, sector of it’s Economy. Panama is not similar to El Salvador. For instance, the nations biggest income comes from the Panama Canal, not remittances.

2. Be original

It comes with the previous. Panamanian singer El General was successful (as always, outside Panama), because he was original in his genre. When I migrated to Sweden, it’s people only related Panama with 3 things: Roberto ‘Hands of Stone’ Duran, Ruben Blades and El General.

3. Avoid spreading FUD — Fear, Uncertainty & Doubt

To the current establishment:

Threatening the whole country — with zero tolerance —that we are suspect of AML’s and not paying taxes, will not make us advance. And, while at the same time, you are not fulfilling with GAFI to get out of colorful lists.

(Ask, to whom does the Government work for?)

4. Follow experts’ books, and adapt it to our market

This one is clear. We always want to ‘reduce costs because it’s too expensive’. We reduced costs in Healthcare and now, people are still living the tragic consequences of dietylene glycol. The recent news of underground vaccinations and underworld government stimulus checks traffic, could have been avoided, if there was no media morbid with cryptography/Blockchain.

5. A training ground (a Sandbox)

A Decentralized Finance Sandbox is a requirement to be successful. Open your mind, any other alternative will halt the forward advancement of the banking and financial sector of our Country.

6. A National promotion tour— educate about Transparency/Blockchain

Blockchain is an extension real life , there will be bad actors, frauds, as there are companies, foundations and persons interacting and working on different types of micro economies.

Originally written in Spanish on June 15, 2021 by Rogelio Morrell.



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